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How to Stop an Unresponsive Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Posted: 28 Apr 2023, 10:25
by daniele
Look at this article for reference: ... l-machine/

METHOD 1 - Kill just that VM which isn't responding

Using Powershell:

1) Get VM name

2) Find VM GUID
$VmGUID = (Get-VM 'Windows 11').id

3) Find the process ID for the VM
$VMWMProc = (Get-WMIObject Win32_Process | ? {$_.Name -match 'VMWP' -and $_.CommandLine -match $VmGUID})

4) Kill that process
Stop-Process ($VMWMProc.ProcessId) –Force

METHOD 2 - Restart the entire HyperV service (Force all VMs to shut down)

From Powershell:

Get-Service vmms | Restart-Service